Enquiries for counselling
We really care about your enquiry for counselling and are here to help.
Please contact us in the first instance on
01962 842858 At one of the following times to speak to one of our clinical team who will arrange an initial meeting.
Monday – 10:00am – 12:00pm
Tuesday – 5:00pm – 7.00pm
Thursday – 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Telephone: 01962 842858
E-mail: enquiries@theolivebranch.org.uk
Registered address:
14 St. Clement Street, Winchester, Hants SO23 9HH

Registered Address:
The Olive Branch Counselling Service Company Limited
14 St. Clement Street
SO23 9HH
Reg. Charity Number: 1140475
Reg. Company Number: 07355454